Amphora with Herakles and Apollo fighting over the Delphic tripod, Attic black-figure pottery, VI century B.C., Costantini Collection.
Bottle, pottery with engraved decoration, VII century B.C., from Fiesole.
Askos, Daunian pottery, III century B.C., Costantini Collection.
Small statue depicting Herakles, bronze, VI-V century B.C., from Fiesole.
Boundary stone with etruscan inscription, sandstone, II century B.C., from Fiesole.
Eye-cup, Attic black-figure pottery, VI century B.C., Costantini Collection.
Small cross, golden sheet, VII century B.C., from Fiesole.
Pelike with Theseus and the Minotaur, Attic red-figure pottery, V century B.C., Costantini Collection.
Fish-plate, Campanian red-figure pottery, IV century B.C., Costantini Collection.
Portrait head (Emperor Claudius?), marble, I century A.D., from the Roman Theatre of Fiesole.
Animal torso (so called She-wolf ), bronze, III century B.C., from Fiesole.
Funerary tomb stele, sandstone, II century B.C., from Travignoli (Pontassieve, Province of Florence)
Funerary tomb stele, stone, II century A.D., from Fiesole.
Head wearing a diadem, bronze, V century B.C., from Fiesole.
Fragmentary head of warrior, terracotta, III-II century B.C., from the Etruscan Temple of Fiesole.
Shield Boss (umbo), iron with gilt bronze appliques, VII century A.D., from Fiesole.
Loutrophoros, Apulian red-figure pottery, IV century B.C., Costantini Collection.